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Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Anybody Can Write a Love Poem! Here is How

By Bart Chifnov

Poems about love refer to anyone who ever wanted to be loved. Poems can be written in classic forms, such as sonnets, or in free form. The most important thing is to converse that you are in love with him or her. Read other love poetry to get your fantasy moving. Reading poetry can help you to write your own. Check out the love poetry of Shakespeare or Emily Dickinson for inspiration.

Think of the love of your life as you go. Write all of the things that make this person special to you. If you don't have somebody particular in mind, think of what you would want in that special loved one.

Write down a list of memories, details or jokes you have had together. Or if you don't have your loved one for now, make them up. Circle the things you want to use in your poem. Start writing, allowing yourself to change the poem as you go. If you rhyme, it may help to use a rhyming website. Write your first draft and then let it sit for a day or so and go back to master it later. Read the poem back to yourself. Is it saying things that you would like to hear from somebody else? Ask a good friend or relative to read your poem and see their reaction. Do they sigh after reading your love poem? You can have someone else read it for you, unless you don't feel comfortable sharing a private poem with anyone other than the intended recipient. Improve your poem by cutting out any cliches and changing overly sentimental lines. If a word or line is bothering you, try deleting it and see if your poem looks better. Read over your sonnet few times. The first draft often needs revision.

Great way to get better in your writing skill is by attending poetry clubs in your city. Check classifieds for invitations or advertising of meetings. People who visit them are often familiar with love poetry and may be able to propose some ideas. There you can also buy a copy of a poet's book containing love poetry you heard at a reading.

If you are still unsure of how you create love poems, you can always refer to the classic poems written by famous poets. This way, you can get inspired to write your very own poem. Whatever it is, keep your poem honest and straight from the heart. Even if you are not creative in poetry, words of sincerity always touch a person's heart.

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