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Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Love Your Audience.

By Olivia MacDonnell

Public speaking has been mentioned to you - the horror has taking hold! What next?

Well, you're not all alone; fear of public speaking is extremely common. It is even recognized as an official phobia! Glossophobia. Olivia MacDonnell from ConfidentSpeak meets people each day with this "phobia" and she now shares 7 Steps to taking (some) of the terror out of public speaking.

Step 1. Stop panicking, Start Planning

Well it's all in the planning! And that doesn't mean opening PowerPoint slides. Take paper and pen in hand, and ask yourself:

1. Why are you speaking in public?
2. What do you need to gain by the end?

If you can't answer this clearly you shouldn't be talking in public - you are wasting your time and your public's time.

Step 2. Stop brooding about yourself and start considering your audience

The majority can only think about themselves and how fearful they're of speaking in public. You aren't going to get anywhere by doing this!Ask yourself:

1. Who's my audience?
2. What are the questions going thru their minds?
3. Why are they there?
4. What do they care about?
5. What's relevant to them?

Once you can answer these, you may then tailor what you need to achieve with what the onlookers cares about.I usually tell folk "public speaking is about the public, not you!"

Step 3. Straightforward Structuring - Power of Three

If you are unpractised at public speaking - begin by structuring your message in an easy, clear way:

1. Structure your talk into three key hunks/points.
2. Make each point important, comprehensible and noteworthy.
3. Repeat and Summarize.

Step 4. Start chatting to folks, not speaking at them!

Think about "the public" as friends. Use straightforward language, freed from lingo. Use a conversational style. Make life easy for the listener. Just speak to folks not at them.

Step 5. Taking for fear out of public speaking - You have got to keep Respiring!

There's no magic wand or spell to make that fear of public speaking depart. Once you've planned comprehensively, rehearse and rehearse aloud. The only possible way to reduce nerves and take control is to take the time to breathe deep within your ribcage in contrast to high in the chest. This takes practice but it works.

Step 6. The general public does not see your fear.

You want to think about this as soon as you walk into that room "so how you walk, how you stand, how you "Own the Space". Slow everything down "stand tall, walk tall".

Step 7. What's your voice saying about you?

First off talk slowly. If your voice lacks power and emotion "your audience will tune out. Ask yourself "what emotion do you need your audience to feel (concern? Excitation? Wonder). You then have to convey this emotion in your voice. Best of luck with your next public speaking event.

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