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Radio Che Pandu

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Win them over with psychological effective Landing Page Design

By Ivan Andrianko

Unless you implement powerful consumer psychology in your Landing page design, you will always have a hard time winning over your customers.

You need to plan out your attack strategically, keeping in mind the mental cues that you are concentrating your prospects attention towards.

Set the standard

When people first see your landing page, the first thing that should grab their attention is a big, solid header stating your best selling point. Once they see that, they will then continue on to your second header, which you should also feature.

By doing this, you are able to make a quick and punchy intro, which you will be elaborating on in the secondary header.

Features and Benefits

Whats the difference?

Feature simply give an idea of what the product does, but do not exactly explain what this means in relation to the consumer, and why they could use such functions. Benefits are what put your products usefulness into context.

Once you have grabbed their attention with your unique selling proposition, you need to give them something that answers the question, "what's in it for me?". This is where your bullets come in which give them reasons why they need the product.

Just like your introduction, these need to be as short and sweet as possible. You need to word them as best your can to minimize the ratio of how many good points they understand, to how much time it takes for them to read each point.


Don't just add anything to your landing page design as far as visuals go. These are supposed to be representative of the true value of your product. Picking the right graphics is like doubling your selling points.

It is proven that ads with four colors are more effective than the same ad with less. This can also be applied to your landing page design, think of it as a souped up version on an advert. Effectively portraying the right color is also like your are doubling your USP's.

Act as a catalyst for their imaginations

Your landing page design needs to have everything that the reader needs to visualize its uses in their own lives. According to consumer psychology, the first use of a product happens in the consumers imagination.

To do this, you have to give them something pleasant to imagine. Be as descriptive as possible while staying on the conservative side with the amount of text you feature. The tools you will be using could range from Squeeze video, to pictures to descriptive imagery.

Now its Time to validate everything you said with proof.

It is now the time to show them how much people like your product or service. This is usually done by testimonials, dropping company names and logo's, etc. One thing to remember is that you do not want to overpower your landing page design's usp's with these. Make it clear whats more important. Your selling points, the validation is just icing on the cake so don't get carried away.

Use only hand picked validations, if it does not make it sound absolutely amazing, don't put it up. The credit you receive will be a middle ground between the consumers skepticism, and the strength of your validation. Aim high to score high, there is no room for second rate references.

Final stand:

You tried and failed, what now?

You should always feature something that will lead them back in your hands. Tell them to add you on Facebook, twitter etc. Ask for their emails in exchange for something. If they aren't sure, they might want more information. Give them the option something that will lure them back for round two.

Only be strategically following the step above will your landing page design be successful.

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