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Senin, 30 April 2012

Exercising Caution With A Pre Launch MLM!

By Steven Suchar

Roll up! Roll up! Don't miss this brand new MLM opportunity! Don't get left in the dust!

Are you are risk taker, or do you prefer having a comfort zone? Be aware that most MLM firms will fail in the first 2 years. So that the question worth asking is do you need to risk joining an unproven MLM company during its pre launch, or would you prefer the safety of joining an entrenched and proven operation?

Having a pre launch phase for an MLM company can be particularly beneficial. So why do they do it? They do it as a promoting ploy - to create interest and also to draw in new distributors without or with their own teams into the business without needing to pay a buy-in fee. The more of a stir that may be created, and the more distributors drawn to the opportunity, the more free advertising the company will get.

The business model of an MLM company is designed so that the more distributors it has the more sales it'll make. In this pre launch phase the company won't be making any money and its target is to get over this unprofitable time as speedily as possible the more distributors it attracts, finally the more product it can get out into the marketplace swiftly.

When any firms starts out it will take them several months to reach a breakeven point and to start showing a nice profit, so obviously enrolling as many groups of new distributors as possible the shorter that unprofitable phase will be. Those distributors and their teams that do join up not only benefit because they didn't need to pay a buy-in charge but also know that the company is battling to do anything to plug the product and get it to the market as fast as practicable.

A pre launch multilevel selling company will be keeping its operating costs down in the original phase as it is unable to yet get its product out into the marketplace to earn a profit.

It all sounds too good to be accurate. In a few cases it may well be.

The plain fact is, that nine out of ten MLM companies fail during their first 2 years of business, so before you jump in, bear that under consideration. During those first two or three years, just like if you had joined an established business, you may put a great deal of effort into expanding your business and your team, and all that time you have invested will be wasted. Conversely people who have been lucky to join a company during its pre launch that has become successful, have gone on to become very well off.

Do not be in such a hurry that you fail to take a close look at the product, the training the company offers and , the type of compensation plan they're offering. Management of a new MLM business is very important and you have to ascertain whether the managerial team are experienced in the MLM financial model. The product again is another crucial factor, is it high quality, is it something you can buy anywhere, and will you be proud to plug it? Is it something that will be outmoded in just a few months?

Experience social marketers are able to judge certain facets of a new MLM business fast and they look at a number of things before they join, newcomers to the internet marketing business may not know the easiest way to judge a brand new business as effectively . Your sponsor should be someone that you can trust and pose questions of, and you must always ask questions.

The plus side is if you join a social marketing company during pre launch you've got an big opportunity to find success, but on the other hand it can be dangerous.

As with any business there is risk involved and it doesn't matter if you join an established business or crash a pre launch. The fact of the case is if you do not have the right attitude you will not succeed in either situation. Established or pre launch it truly isn't important. What does matter is how you manage your business. Have you got the ability to build a successful business?

That is it in brief. It's up to you to decide if you can take the chance of joining a brand spanking new MLM company during pre launch or whether you would prefer the to be in a rather more stable and established situation. Most folks will opt for the second choice, so that the odds will be in their favor right from the beginning.

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