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Radio Che Pandu

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

A Common Thread for Success in All Areas

There is an ability - a single ability - with the power to transform all the aspects of a person's life. Is that surprising to you?

It might be tough to buy. Yet, nevertheless, it's a fact.

Before I explain what this skill is, let me tell you a little about it and why it is so important.

This is a skill that you have been using since the moment you were born. In fact, you were using it even before you were born.

It is a skill that every human being does. However they differ significantly in how well they do it.

It's a talent that is highly relevant to the way family systems work or fail to work.

Without it, you'd be unlikely to have any chance of forming the love relationships and friendships you desire.

It can determine if you get the career you want.

People with talent in this area, throughout history, influenced our world with great effect.

Does it amaze you that one skill can be this important? Well it should because it is indeed an amazing fact. But it is a fact nonetheless.

The skill that I speak of is...communication.

Even in the womb, we begin to communicate, at first through subtle movements and kicks. As newborns, we cry, signaling our need for attention and care.

If our parents and caregivers communicate with us in an empathetic and nurturing way, it helps us grow emotionally strong and mature. But if they communicate neglectfully or abusively, it can impact us detrimentally for the rest of our lives.

Romantic relationships, as well as buddies, can't possibly be attained unless someone communicates.

Most job paths don't even start without someone from an employer speaking with you, partially to investigate how well you can articulate your thoughts and feelings. And that is not even to mention the communication that these jobs themselves may entail.

Beyond this, how many historic figures became icons as a direct result of stirring people as writers and speakers?

Not everybody can develop into a communication superstar like those we admire so much. However, everyone certainly is capable of making progress in those skills and gaining both inner and outer rewards for doing so.

The path toward becoming the best that we can be involves slow and steady progress in communication abilities driven by practice. True, not everyone practices this skill. Doing so could make you stand out. However, standing out is part of becoming outstanding.

Consider the different aspects in your day to day experience. Think about how many of them involve communication in some way. Next, seek out some of the techniques and lessons that are out there for those who want to improve in their communication abilities. If you take that advice, someday you will likely look back on it as a day that you made a lifechanging decision.

Who knows? If you become a great communicator, perhaps I'll have the pleasure of reading your own article about the importance of communication in the future and of hearing the story of how improving communication skills made a difference for you.



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