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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Discovering How to Make Money with Being a Newspaper Journalist Has Never Been Easier

By Lisa Rivera

Good articles draw readers and that is why the papers rely on freelancers to fill their pages. The more interesting the paper the more readers it will gather. Understanding how to make money with writing for newspapers is not easy, it takes hours of practice and a natural flair to create articles that will sell.

Anyone who writes will tell you the same thing, they have subjects that they really enjoy and topics that they find tedious to work on. Writers invariably develop their own style so they need to consider what type of publication may accept their work. A local rag could willingly accept the odd piece about community events but in general the press loves fresh news.

The columns are often a great place to start off, the press tends to hire freelancers to write for the columns. Your local paper is likely to be published on a shoestring so any work that you submit for publication may only earn a small amount. On the other hand the national press has a large budget and they can afford to pay far more for good articles.

Before submitting any work to a journal it is important to do some groundwork. Read the paper, take a look at the style and note the general feeling. Every editor has his/her own style and they are unlikely to consider publishing articles that don't meet their criteria. The columnists tend to print their email addresses at the foot of the page, take note of these addresses for future reference.

The next step is to write or email the editor and that letter has to be riveting so that it immediately creates interest. The missive must demonstrate that you are passionate about penning articles and have a lot to offer the readers of the paper. Tell the editor what you love to write about and how long it takes you to produce an article, stress that you want to know how to make money with writing for newspapers.

In general freelance workers have some personal web space where they store their work, be sure to give the link for that site. If you have written a piece that particularly pleased you then tuck it in alongside your letter. Note down any relevant qualifications and experience.

The world of publishing may be cut throat but your letter should be ultra polite yet to the point. At the foot of the page write down your home address and telephone number and email address if necessary. Remember a letter that is long and drawn out may end up in the editors waste paper bin, so keep it short and sweet.

It takes a great deal of confidence to approach the head of a journal and even more savvy to make cash from your skills. In effect you have to believe in yourself in order to sell yourself but you have to be able to accept the fact that a huge percentage of your work may be rejected.

As you start to learn how to make money writing with newspapers you will grow in confidence. Keep submitting your articles because practice makes perfect. Enjoy reading other writers work and focus on making yours stand head and shoulders above the rest.

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