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Radio Che Pandu

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Public Speaking - 4 Ways To Prepare

By Arlene Case

Which sounds more appealing, getting up in front of a group of strangers and talking, while they all sit there looking at you like a dog watching a ceiling fan or gargling with Drano? It's no shocker that many would rather gargle Drano than speak in front of a crowd.

Public Speaking has been ranked as the "number one fear" among thousands of us. You're whole body shakes, you feel sick, and suddenly, you can't remember what you were supposed to say. Why? Because you are so scared.

Here are some tips on overcoming this fear of Public Speaking.

Think about yourself doing it. Imagine that you are telling a crowd of people something. Picture yourself from start to finish. Start with walking towards the mike, through your speech, and up to the victorious ending.

Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse your speech endless times. You should then try doing that with someone watching you, and tell him to be honest about his opinion. Practice makes perfect. It really is and you do it everyday in your real life, because you have done the same thing over and over again. A fear can be overthrown if you do it often enough. Sports are the perfect example. You see NBA players almost never miss a free throw, PGA players make 20 foot putts, NFL kickers put it thru the uprights. It's not because they were born with some special skill, it's because they practiced and practiced and practiced some more. This is true for public speaking also.

Get your camcorder and tape yourself speaking to an imaginary audience. This is a good way to see and hear how you will appear and sound to an audience.

Don't panic. Just before you give your speech, RELAX. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that the audience came to hear your speech. The audience wouldn't want to know about your personal life. Get this, your personal life isn't their interest.

Self-confidence will come to you if you are very well-prepared. Then after you are all "said and done" will never look at a can of Drano the same way again.

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