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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Lead Generation - Can Your Business Afford Not To Do It?

By Miguel Pancardo

Your business needs fresh leads on a daily business if it is to grow and thrive. Lead generation should be one of your primary objectives as a business owner. When you are first starting out, you may think you can't afford to spend money on leads but when you put it into perspective, you will see that you can't afford not to.

When many people start their business, they simply put up a sales page and sell an item. While this might be profitable, it does nothing to encourage the growth of the business. Although an email address is probably obtained with each sale, no follow up is made to it.

This type of business model allows you to sell a single item one time to a single customer. A better model is to have a way to sell multiple items to that same customer over time through following up. Of course, getting the person to buy multiple times or even the first time requires skillfully written sales page or follow up emails. Most people do not have the skill necessary, so to get the best results, consider having someone else write your copy for you.

Copywriters that have a proven track record don't work cheap so this is one of the major expenses involved with setting up a sales website. However, this is an expense that pays for itself over time. You will need a certain number of sales to offset the initial outlay before you realize any profits, but this is true of most any business you would start.

The site itself has to be designed so that anyone can navigate through it. I have seen a lot of expensive, flashy sites that basically generate no income for the owner other than the sales that come from it. Add in the costs of hosting, domain registration and upkeep and you may never recover the entire cost of the business as it will always be creeping up and biting you on the butt!

A site that is set up to generate leads on an ongoing basis on the other hand is more profitable in the long run and can pay for itself many times over. The site doesn't even have to be anything fancy or expensive. You can simply offer a free report in exchange for an email address and name. As long as this person stays on your list, you can market to him multiple times and hopefully he will buy from you multiple times over the years.

Because people agree to receive email from you in exchange for your free report, you don't have to worry about spamming. Set up your list to be double opt-in because when you do this, the person must confirm their email address by clicking on a link before they get your free report. This stops anyone from putting in someone else's email address. You know that the people on your list want what you are offering and have signed up for it willingly.

Lead generation monetizes your list every time a new person joins. The total cost? A few minutes and some time to follow up. The results? Lasting recurring sales from a customer who now trusts you implicitly.

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