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Radio Che Pandu

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

How To Build Up an Autobiography?

By Julian Roon

What's a biography (biografie in Dutch)? Quite simply, an autobiography is the story of somebody's life authored by another person. Rather than a sequential report of events it is usually written in a warm style slinking through the flow of the subject's life highlighting the dramatic, tragic, content, sad and respected moments. A biography could be named "official" when it's been permitted by the biographer's subject. They may be unlicensed and produced to capitalize on the most recent celebrity phenomenon containing re-cycled salacious gossip from the entertainment media, kiss and tell friends and a lot of pictures to pad it out!

Although we are typically used to biographies in the written form, books are just one strand of the autobiography brand and film and on line media are also powerful outlets to tell the story of somebody's life. The writer is in ways , a spotlight on the subject and by way of research, study and in a few cases private interviews can offer an objective analysis of personality often drawing conclusions about the individual and disclosing those observations in the texture of the story as they grow to grasp them.

An autobiography twists and turns as all human life does revealing the essential nature of the person's personality. We may like or detest the topic as indeed is often made apparent by the writer too. As a historical document it is useful and old autobiographies from centuries past are showing to us as interesting and factual relics of an age gone by. Naturally the human condition is to want to peer through the window into others lives and this makes a contribution to the approval for the biography as we relish the childhood memories, the torture and anguish of adolescence, the valuable memories, the bad and good fortune, successes and mess ups documented for history archives yet full of human heat and drama. Biographies may document one person's 15 minutes of celebrity (extended usually by the ensuing court action) or really mythical characters from history. The array of subject matter is enormous but the essence of the autobiography stays the same.

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